Power Reminder 1.0Never miss important moments in your life with powerful and reliable alarms and reminders, with unique unobtrusive notifications! Set any number of one-time and repeating alarms with custom messages, sounds, colors, fonts, icons and actions. When the alarm goes off, it displays a balloon notification near the clock area for a few seconds. Click the balloon to open the alarm window or just leave it gently blinking in your taskbar. High priority alarms display their message straight in the center of the screen. Power Reminder has been deliberately designed to handle the multitude of alarms with ease. You can browse, search and manage alarms, view their schedule for any period of time. Transfer alarms between computers using the backup and restore feature. Power Reminder never forgets your alarms. All alarms left unattended will display after the reboot. The unique Alarm Recycle Bin comes to the rescue if you accidentally delete an important alarm! Try it FREE for 30 days!Download FREE 30-day Trial of Power Reminder! Buy Now! |
Remember the last time you forgot your parent's anniversary, due to your hectic work schedule?Like this, you must have faced various such situations, when you missed different events, appointments, tasks, etc, because of the huge work load. In such situation, you need a prompt assistant to remind you of important things, for which Power Reminder 1.0 can prove to be an apt one. Read more at Power Reminder review by Free Downloads Center You can put a reminder right into your Windows clock!1st Clock replaces Windows clock with fully customizable clock display, alarms as in Power Reminder, atomic time synchronization, popup calendar, time zones and more. Read more about 1st Clock... |